Quality of Life

Edentulism can negatively impact a patient’s overall quality of life.

Assessing quality of life is complex — its attributes include adequate functional and psychological health, life satisfaction and self-esteem. Edentulous patients with dentures, particularly those who have adapted to the treatment poorly, can encounter severe psychological and social consequences.

The original goal of implant treatment was to help patients avoid dentures altogether by treating their impairment with a non-removable or “fixed” option, supported by dental implants.

While this approach has helped many people, not all patients are candidates for this treatment. Many times it does not address all the deficiencies caused by tooth loss, or satisfy cosmetic needs; and for some, it is economically unrealistic. Fortunately, there is another option to dentures or complete implants — the lower jaw two-implant overdenture . In a sense, it is a combination of both a denture and dental implants.


Overdentures improve quality of life, they are a better option than dentures and overcome the drawbacks of full implants.